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About Cullins-Lake Pointe Elementary

At CLP our mission is to ensure high levels of learning for all learners in an engaging, respectful, collaborative and safe learning environment. In partnership with our community, we will grow responsible leaders through academic, social and emotional learning.

At CLP, we will become the leading school in Rockwall ISD.

School Information

School Location & Phone:

Doris Cullins Lake-Points Elementary 5701 Scenic Drive
Rowlett, TX 75088

School Hours:

Operation Begins at 7:30 a.m.
Breakfast Starts at 7:15 a.m.

Full Day – 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Kindergarten - Grades 6
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Grades: Pre-Kindergarten through 6th Grade
School Colors: Royal blue and yellow
Mascot: Cowboy
Special Programs: Language Science (Dyslexia), Gifted and Talented, Special Education
Extracurricular Programs: Choir, Student Leadership

School Pledge

Today I will do more than I have to.
I will treat others the way I want to be treated.
And I will be the best I can be.

Policies and Handbooks

Rockwall ISD annually publishes a Student Code of Conduct Handbook, which highlights the rules and policies for all campuses and school activities. Each student is required to comply with school policies or face disciplinary action. Please take time to read and understand the district handbooks so all students can achieve success.

Family Engagement Plan

The staff at Doris Cullins-Lake Pointe Elementary school is committed to involving parents to the fullest extent possible in the education of each student. They are committed to attending professional development yearly on learning to improve parent/teacher relationships. Opportunities will exist for parents to become involved in the following areas: Communication, Direct Interactions, Direct Involvement in Daily Activities, and Contributions to the Decision Making and Feedback Process. Parents will annually review the parent involvement policy and have the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions. I. Opportunities which exist for parents to receive timely information and communicate with the staff at Doris Cullins –Lake Pointe Elementary School: Student Code of Conduct and Handbook School and grade level newsletters Teacher-Parent-Student Compacts Parent Teacher Conferences Doris Cullins-Lake Pointe Elementary Website and Teacher and Grade Level Webpages Annual parent survey Doris Cullins-Lake Pointe Elementary Facebook page and Twitter Thursday folders Skyward Family Access Remind 101 Parent Notification of Student Performance (STAAR, report cards/progress reports) Direct Email Access with Teachers/Staff Parent Connect II. Opportunities which exist for parents to interact with teachers and staff at flexible meeting times at Doris Cullins – Lake Pointe Elementary School: Meet the Teacher Open House/Parent Orientation Grade Level Programs Parent/Teacher Conferences (Parent or Teacher requested) Curriculum Nights - Literacy Night and Science Night PTA Meetings Classroom Visits/Parties Field Trips Spirit Nights (Chick-Fil-A and Marcos Pizza) Kindergarten Round-Up Annual Title 1 Meeting Kinder Orientation New Student Orientation III. Opportunities which exist for parents to become directly involved in daily school activities at Doris Cullins –Lake Pointe Elementary School: Doris Cullins-Lake Pointe PTA/Volunteer Program Veteran’s Day Field Trips Fun Run Homeroom Parent Field Day Classroom Tutors Adult Mentor for Students Parent Center Valentine’s Dance IV. Opportunities which exist for parents to be a part of the decision making process and annually review Parent Involvement at Doris Cullins - Lake Pointe Elementary School: Doris Cullins-Lake Pointe CIC Title 1 Committee ARD/LPAC/SST Teams District Representatives Annual Parent Survey Campus Improvement Plan Doris Cullins-Lake Pointe PTA Executive Board